man holding a small basket of tomatoes in a tomato garden

What Is Homesteading

What even is homesteading? Well, to put it simply, homesteading is a lifestyle where you live off your own land more than the average person. It’s as simple as that. You don’t need anything fancy to get started with a homestead or even a lot of money. You can practically get started for free.

Even if you live in an apartment and have only a windowsill, you can still be a homesteader! Even having a little basil plant in your window sill makes you a homesteader. It may be on a smaller scale, but when you grow your own food, you’re embracing the basic idea of homesteading. Self sufficiency is the name of the game.

Whether you have a small scale production for food or are producing your own food on a grand scale, the principles remain the same. Be self-sufficient by relying more on your own skills and any land you may have available (even if it’s just a pot of dirt) and you’re on your way to become an amazing homesteader.

The Homestead Act

Oh, to go back in time and take advantage of some of the advantages that used to exist! It turns out, until the late 1970s, under the Homestead Act, of 1862 you could essentially claim 160 acres of public land to use in creating your own homestead. You would care for the land and build your homestead however you saw fit. After a period of five years, the land would be yours. If you just couldn’t wait that long to call it yours, there was the option to purchase the land for a small fee per acre from the government.

My, have times changed! While some areas of the government still support small homesteads and the idea of self sufficiency, the federal support has shifted to large corporations and factory farming. Long gone are the days when the government fully supported the homesteading lifestyle and small scale food production.

I don’t know about you, but I would have loved to have 160 acres of land to be fully self sufficient and not need to rely on any grocery stores. I’m working toward that goal anyway, but 160 acres sure would make it easier!

Homestead living – 10 Reasons To Start A homestead Today

people grabbing hay in a field with cows nearby

Why Homestead?

Why NOT homestead? I can’t think of a single reason not to homestead. If time is an issue, start small. Start with one, indoor plant that will give you food like basil or rosemary. When you’re ready for more, maybe a tomato plant or two. Some fruit trees will grow well indoors and many crops will thrive on a back patio or balcony.

Whatever you decide to do and whatever food production you can handle, start there. I’ll caution you, however…you’re going to love it and you’re going to want more!

Happy homesteading!

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